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2019-03-13 10:00:37 +01:00
startshape Scene
CF::Impure = 1
//CF::Background = [b -0.8 sat 1 h 200]
CF::Background = [b -0.8]
CF::Size = [s 3]
//random variable that controls how straight the path is
bend = -5..-1
shape Scene {
// Storm
Path(29.5,0,160..200,0) [s (1/60)]
// Square
//loop 10 [s 0.998 a -0.2] Frame [s 0.5 z 1000 b 1 sat 0.4 h 180]
loop 10 [s 0.998 a -0.2] Frame [s 0.5 z 1000 b 0.96 sat 0.81 h 38]
// Outer square
//loop 10 [s 1.003 a -0.2] Frame [s 0.5 z 1000 b 1 sat 0.4 h 180]
loop 10 [s 1.003 a -0.2] Frame [s 0.5 z 1000 b 0.96 sat 0.81 h 38]
// Backgroud glow
//Glow []
path Frame
STROKE(0.01) []
shape Path (number px, number py, number pr, number idx)
rule 4000 {
// number of steps to take
if (idx < 2000) {
if (max(abs(px),abs(py)) < 30 ) {
//change the values in rand to
//alter the behaviour of the beam
Path( px + cos(pr), py + sin(pr), pr + rand(bend,2), idx + 1 ) []
// glowing beam
transform [x px y py r pr ] {
loop 10 [s 1 1.5 a -0.4] SQUARE [
// notranje strele
b 0.96 sat 0.81 h 38 s 0.85 0.08]
//b 1 sat 0.4 h 180 s 0.85 0.08]
else {
Flash[x px y py z 1 s 1.5]
//detect which edge we have crossed and reflect
if (px > 30) {
Path(px/1.004 - cos(pr), py+sin(pr), 180-pr, idx +1) []
Lightning [ x px y py r -5..5]
if (px < -30) {
Path(px/1.004 - cos(pr), py+sin(pr), 180-pr, idx +1) []
Lightning [[ x px y py r -5..5 r 180]]
if (py > 30) {
Path(px + cos(pr), py/1.004 - sin(pr), pr*-1, idx +1) []
Lightning [[ x px y py r -5..5 r 90]]
if (py < -30) {
Path(px + cos(pr), py/1.004 - sin(pr), pr*-1, idx +1) []
Lightning [[ x px y py r -5..5 r -90]]
// done iterating, draw the particle!
else { Flash[[ x px y py z 1 r pr s 1.5 0.4 ]] }
// Pike na kvadratu
shape Flash{
loop 10 [s 1.4 a -0.4]
//CIRCLE[b 1 sat 0.4 h 180 s 0.6..1]
CIRCLE[b 0.96 sat 0.81 h 38 s 0.6..1]
shape Lightning
rule 10{
LightningUnit []
Lightning [x 1]
Glow2 [s 2 a -0.5]
rule 1.5 {
Lightning[r 30..45]
Glow2 [s 4 a -0.5]
rule 1.5 {
Lightning[r -30..-45]
Glow2 [s 4 a -0.5]
rule 1 {
// s 0.6 normally
Lightning[r 20..45 s 0.6 0.8 a -0.5]
Lightning[r -20..-45 s 0.4 0.8 a -0.5]
Glow2 [s 4 a -0.5]
// Strele zunaj
shape LightningUnit {
loop 20 [s 1 1.1 a -0.2]
//SQUARE [b 1 sat 0.4 h 180 s 0.89 0.1 x 0.5]
SQUARE [b 0.96 sat 0.81 h 38 s 0.89 0.1 x 0.5]
shape Glow {
loop 30 [s 0.97 a -0.04 ]
//CIRCLE [s 2.3..2.5 x -0.1..0.1 y -0.1..0.1 b 1 sat 0.6 h 180 a -0.97]
CIRCLE [s 2.3..2.5 x -0.1..0.1 y -0.1..0.1 b 0.96 sat 0.81 h 38 a -0.97]
shape Glow2 {
loop 5 [s 0.7 a -0.4 ]
//CIRCLE [s 2.3..2.5 x -0.1..0.1 y -0.1..0.1 b 1 sat 0.4 h 180 a -0.99]
CIRCLE [s 2.3..2.5 x -0.1..0.1 y -0.1..0.1 b 0.96 sat 0.81 h 38 a -0.99]