ASCII art :D

This commit is contained in:
Deni 2018-06-29 09:48:24 +02:00
parent fda6057373
commit 717368416b
1 changed files with 66 additions and 9 deletions

View File

@ -35,35 +35,92 @@ BPurple='\033[1;35m' # Purple
BCyan='\033[1;36m' # Cyan
BWhite='\033[1;37m' # White
# Underline
UBlack='\033[4;30m' # Black
URed='\033[4;31m' # Red
UGreen='\033[4;32m' # Green
UYellow='\033[4;33m' # Yellow
UBlue='\033[4;34m' # Blue
UPurple='\033[4;35m' # Purple
UCyan='\033[4;36m' # Cyan
UWhite='\033[4;37m' # White
# Background
On_Black='\033[40m' # Black
On_Red='\033[41m' # Red
On_Green='\033[42m' # Green
On_Yellow='\033[43m' # Yellow
On_Blue='\033[44m' # Blue
On_Purple='\033[45m' # Purple
On_Cyan='\033[46m' # Cyan
On_White='\033[47m' # White
echo -e "${Green}Update of gitea to ${VERSION} is in progress... ${Color_Off}"
# High Intensity
IBlack='\033[0;90m' # Black
IRed='\033[0;91m' # Red
IGreen='\033[0;92m' # Green
IYellow='\033[0;93m' # Yellow
IBlue='\033[0;94m' # Blue
IPurple='\033[0;95m' # Purple
ICyan='\033[0;96m' # Cyan
IWhite='\033[0;97m' # White
# Bold High Intensity
BIBlack='\033[1;90m' # Black
BIRed='\033[1;91m' # Red
BIGreen='\033[1;92m' # Green
BIYellow='\033[1;93m' # Yellow
BIBlue='\033[1;94m' # Blue
BIPurple='\033[1;95m' # Purple
BICyan='\033[1;96m' # Cyan
BIWhite='\033[1;97m' # White
# High Intensity backgrounds
On_IBlack='\033[0;100m' # Black
On_IRed='\033[0;101m' # Red
On_IGreen='\033[0;102m' # Green
On_IYellow='\033[0;103m' # Yellow
On_IBlue='\033[0;104m' # Blue
On_IPurple='\033[0;105m' # Purple
On_ICyan='\033[0;106m' # Cyan
On_IWhite='\033[0;107m' # White
echo -e "${Green} __ _(_) |_ ___ __ _ ${Color_Off}"
echo -e "${Green} / _\` | | __/ _ \/ _\` |${Color_Off}"
echo -e "${Green} | (_| | | || __/ (_| |${Color_Off}"
echo -e "${Green} \__, |_|\__\___|\__,_|${Color_Off}"
echo -e "${Green} |___/ ${Color_Off}"
echo -e "${UGreen}Update of gitea to ${VERSION} is in progress... ${Color_Off}"
if [ -f $DIR/bin/gitea-$VERSION-$ARCH ]; then
echo -e "\n${Green}Latest version ${VERSION} is already downloaded! ${Color_Off}\n"
echo -e "\n${Ugreen}Latest version ${VERSION} is already downloaded! ${Color_Off}\n"
echo -e "\n${Green}Newer version ${VERSION} is available! ${Color_Off}\n"
echo -e "\n${UGreen}Newer version ${VERSION} is available! ${Color_Off}\n"
echo -e "${Green}Downloading the newest version...${Color_Off}"
echo -e "${UGreen}Downloading the newest version...${Color_Off}"
wget -N$VERSION/gitea-$VERSION-$ARCH -P $DIR/bin/
echo -e "\n${Green}Creating symlinks...${Color_Off}"
echo -e "\n${UGreen}Creating symlinks...${Color_Off}"
ln -sfv $DIR/bin/gitea-$VERSION-$ARCH $DIR/gitea
echo -e "\n${Green}Fixing permissions...${Color_Off}"
echo -e "\n${UGreen}Fixing permissions...${Color_Off}"
chmod -v +x $DIR/bin/gitea-$VERSION-$ARCH
echo -e "\n${Green}Restarting service...${Color_Off}"
echo -e "\n${UGreen}Restarting service...${Color_Off}"
service gitea restart
echo -e "\n${Green}Gitea service status:${Color_Off}\n"
service gitea status
echo -e "\n${UGreen}Gitea service status:${Color_Off}\n"
service gitea status | head -n 8